Bringing empty homes and buildings back to life across the Scottish Borders - Mike Staples
We have 43000 long-term empty homes in Scotland. There are also countless more buildings lying empty that were formerly at the heart of their ...
Empty council homes forecast to cost £1m in lost rents - Brighton and Hove News
The number of empty council houses and flats has fallen but the vacant homes – or voids – are likely to leave the town hall coffers short by more ...
The Council is recruiting an Empty Homes and Revenues Generation Officer - News Anyway
Date published: 3rd October 2022 North Norfolk District Council's Cabinet has agreed to create an Empty Homes and Revenues Generation Officer ...
Second homes: what's happening in Wales? - Senedd Research
As local people move away due to the lack of affordable housing, towns and villages risk becoming increasingly empty outside of the holiday season ...
Landlords and tenants at risk of eviction urged to get help quickly -
The council also supports landlords to bring empty properties back into use through the work of its Empty Homes Officer.
£9m temporary accommodation plans backed by council amid housing pressures
Mr Taylor-Williams told the councillors: “You have to get the idea of a shipping container out of your heads.” Empty properties and private homes are ...
Cornwall residents call for Amsterdam-style crackdown on empty homes
The Dutch city's council has also decided to force owners to rent out their homes if empty and can even set the rental price. The new rules in the ...
REVEALED: The number of empty council houses and flats - Yahoo Finance
She told the council's Housing Committee that, as of May, lost rent from empty homes was predicted to be £1.34 million in the current financial year.
Empty homes in central London tripled in past five years
There were 1,900 empty properties in Westminster in June 2022, compared to 543 in 2019. In the past year alone the number of empty homes in the ...
Cornwall residents call for Amsterdam-style clampdown on empty homes |
Calls for Amsterdam-style crackdown on empty second homes in costal towns. Anyone who leaves a home vacant for more than six months in Amsterdam can ...
Brighton and Hove empty homes concerns - The Argus
THE number of empty council houses and flats has fallen but the vacant homes – or voids – are likely to leave the town hall coffers short by…