FREE Empty Homes Webinar: Hosted by Finders International


Thursday 12th of September 2024

Virtual Event

How to Book

How to Book – This online event is FREE to sign-up to, and you’ll be able to rewatch the event after even if you miss it. Sign up HERE.

Event Details

Explore housing crisis solutions in the Empty Homes Webinar by Finders International. Join this free online session for Empty Home Officers and UK property professionals. Featuring Rebecca Moore, Director at Action on Empty Homes. 

Action on Empty Homes works to repurpose long-term empty homes to address housing needs. They raise awareness about the waste of empty homes and advocate for policy changes. By supporting local communities and offering practical advice, they help revitalise neighbourhoods.

Their research on retrofitting and community initiatives informs their innovative solutions and effective campaigning. They also provide support to those interested in repurposing empty homes. Through partnerships and events, they engage communities and raise public awareness.