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German empty homes site

September 21, 2015

As far as it is possible to tell, this site is for an empty homes campaign in German-speaking Europe, most obviously Germany and Austria. It is reminiscent of the now-defunct report-an-empty site once managed by EHA. If you have good German, feel free to give us more detail via the comment system. The "About" link is hard to find. This seems to be it, but it is Hamburg specifc: is what Google Translate makes of it: The situationIn many cities, people are looking for affordable housing and work spaces. At the same time countless areas stand empty - whether old or new, whether residential or commercial spaces, whether in the center or outside location, whether private or in urban hand. But an overview does not exist. The solutionWith the vacancy detectors we can exchange common information. Vacancy rates can be entered directly and easily on the vacancy card by all users. This creates gradually a collective and freely accessible data and space pool, regardless of urban information channels. In addition to exchange information about the vacancy buildings and ideas for dealing constructively with them to registered users of the vacancy detector. The networkAfter the start of the page for Hamburg themselves known interested to to use for other cities. Meanwhile, the site is operated in several cities of local initiatives. Further prepare the launch. The management of the local vacancy detectors, they acquire donations and grants and make public relations. If you are interested, the theme in your city forward (as well as the corresponding responsibilities with regard to regular quality assurance and a contribution to the financing to take over!) Report to below very happy: The is a much sought-after critical voice in the discourse about vacancy. Frequently ask journalists by statements and interviews. The media reports are here documented. But is also criticized: Some owners feel pilloried. It is free to owners explaining why their property is empty. Activists complain that the items could help to speculators to exploit property. While that is not entirely ruled out, but it is in most reported vacancy rates to properties that have fallen out of the market, and in many cases they are empty because let investment they expect no return. Or they are empty because they are objects of speculation. In addition, speculators, brokers and investors informed more elsewhere on vacancy rates. They use exclusive networks, "real estate Stammtische" and contacts with the policy. However acts more as a corrective and promotes equality information.

Link to the web-page