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Stratford-on-Avon District Council Empty Homes Strategy 2012-2015 consultation

February 13, 2012
Stratford-on-Avon District Council is preparing an Empty Homes Strategy for the period 2012-2015 in line with Aim 1 of the Council’s Corporate Strategy to “Reduce the number of empty homes across the district, utilising funding available to bring empty homes back into use and provide affordable housing for those in housing need”. Part of the preparation of this document includes consultation and I enclose a copy of the Draft Empty Homes Strategy 2012 – 2015. Please take a look at this and if you have any observations, we would be pleased to receive your comments both on the document as a whole and in respect of the questionnaire. The strategy has the following objectives:
  1. Establish the scale of the problem and develop representative baseline information.
  2. Develop effective pathways to bring empty homes back into use.
  3. Create quality, affordable housing for those in housing need.
The key outcomes are summarised below:
  1. Have record of location of empty homes in the District.
  2. Through information and publicity raise awareness of empty homes initiatives.
  3. Have a coordinated approach to empty property work.
  4. Provide encouragement and support to empty property owners.
  5. Develop and adopt enforcement procedures.
  6. Through regional and sub-regional working, enhance the approach to empty homes.
  7. Utilise funding available to bring empty homes back into use and provide affordable housing solutions across the district for those in housing need. 
 If you wish to provide comments, please write to me at Stratford-on-Avon District Council, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6HX or e-mail them to by Monday 20th February 2012.
Empty Homes Strategy 2012-2015 questionnaire