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Capacity Grid: Partnering With You to Gain the Maximum New Homes Bonus Funding

April 12, 2021
As you know, around 710,000 UK properties are currently lying empty. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) is addressing the empty property challenge and supporting local authorities in bringing more homes back into use through the New Homes Bonus scheme (NHB). With the ability for local authorities to earn additional NHB income by returning empty properties to use under review from 2022, now is the time to maximise the returns available whilst you still can. How can Capacitygrid help? The Empty Homes Review service is a fully managed service which utilises technology, expertise and resources to identify long-term empty (LTE) properties which are occupied and attract New Homes Bonus funding. Picture 1_5.pngWe understand that a lot of your time can be spent dealing with a relatively small number of “problem” properties or associated issues and that it can be difficult to find time to fully investigate every long term empty property. We will work in partnership with you and we will use our expert data matching technology; a network of specialist inspectors; a dedicated call centre team and experienced revenue practitioners – 120 of them – to exhaustively review and validate every long term empty property. This has ensured our LTE removal rate has continued to be over three times the national average. So, even if you are already working on this our partnership is designed to ensure there is no duplicated effort and that every property is fully investigated. We offer the service on a risk and reward basis, so there are no upfront fees and no risk to you and you only pay for what we find beyond your own results. Read our case study to learn about how we worked in partnership with Chorley Council to help them achieve over £5m of New Homes Bonus Funding.  “This is a great example of a partnership with a private sector company which has delivered huge benefits to the Council – and continues to do so. The Empty Homes Reviews undertaken since 2015 have not only generated a significant revenue stream for the Council but, in addition, we have been able to add positively to Council Tax collection rates as a direct result. We are expecting more excellent results from the 2020 Empty Homes Review.” - Alison Wilding, Head of Customer Services, Chorley Borough Council We can provide you with a detailed business case, based upon your current number of LTEs and our average percentage removal rate that will estimate the number of additional properties that our review would identify as no longer empty and therefore the extra New Homes Bonus funding that you can deliver for your authority. If you would like to understand how an Empty Homes Review from Capacitygrid can complement the results that you are already delivering the please contact us by clicking here.