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Conference line-up confirmed

April 22, 2013
The line-up for The Empty Homes Conferencce 2013 has now been confirmed. We'll be sending out the latest version of the brochure over the next few days but you can download it from the event listing now if you want to. Don Foster MP has confirmed his attendance but we have also rejigged the programme to include a session by Robb Greenland on the Leeds Empties initiative - inspiring for local authorities and community groups alike. People have been phoning asking if there are still places. The answer is "yes" - and despite a healthy stream of bookings we are unlikely to run-out of places because we booked a venue with spare capacity built-in, knowing that the Conference line-up was particularly strong. And we've noted that hotel beds are currently still available in Birmingham for under £25 if you want to travel cheaply the day before and have a more relaxed day on the 21st. (See Travelodge site and please note we are NOT on any kind of commission basis with Travelodge). From previous events: Conference collage