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Cromwood Social sponsors Before-and-After Photo Award

May 4, 2017
Cromwood Social has stepped in to sponsor the Empty Homes Award for Best Before-and-After Photo, which is a new award category this year. Details of the Award Category can be found in our news story here. We were contacted yesterday by Cromwood's Abdus Saleh with the offer of sponsorship, which we were happy to accept. Cromwood Social is also going to provide Silver Supporter sponsorship. Abdus has a long history of involvement with empty homes, starting with a stint at London Rebuiding, where he made positive connections with a number of London authorities. He has continued to build those relations at Cromwood, as we described in a recent story about a funding package for empties available in London. Cromwood Social will concentrate on producing more homes through the resurrection of empty properties that can be used for social housing. It will work with homeowners and local councils to drive this forward. Where possible we will make use of empty properties grant funding as part of the overall financing of the refurbishment or acquisition. Contact details for Cromwood Abdus Saleh, Head of Investment and Development
Cromwood Group
Tel: 020 8826 2800 (office) 07710 571940 (mobile)