The deadline for submissions for this year’s Empty Homes statistics survey has been extended until Friday 18th November. Further to the anticipated release of the Council Taxbase statistics 2022, the Empty Homes Network are encouraging empty homes officers and members to complete the short statistical questionnaire.
Working directly in partnership with Local Authorities and their Empty Homes Officers, the research aims to gather information and statistics from databases held ‘in-house’ by officers and teams nationwide in order to provide a direct comparison with those statistics, soon to be submitted by Councils and released nationally through their CTB forms.
By following on from the initial submission period in 2021, the Empty Homes Network aims to compare and contrast the statistics held by officers with those reported in the CTB forms, and to understand whether the figures reported nationally correlate with the numbers being experienced ‘on the ground’.
Complete the short 5-question survey here!
Our survey aims to:
- Understand locally held information and statistics, and draw comparison to those submitted by revenues and benefits teams on the annual CTB forms
- To compare and contrast those statistics, and determine whether trends can be found to support a national, regional, rural or urban hypothesis as to why empty homes figures are as they are across the country
- To consider the numbers of empty homes brought back into use with Local Authority involvement and intervention
- To present informed conclusions based on statistical analysis, and in support of the role of empty homes officers across the country, provide corporate backing for the continuation or additional provision of resources for empty homes work
- To support the roles and development of our members across the Empty Homes Network
Through a short survey, empty homes officers are invited to submit their responses through a short online survey found here, within the next three weeks, and prior to end of October to provide as accurate a comparison as possible.
All information requested will be statistical, and not require the sharing of any personal data or information relating to properties or individuals.
The study aims to conclude its data collection by the end of October, with the findings to be shared with Empty Homes Officers and Local Authorities in the new year.
Complete the short 5-question survey here!
For further information on the 2022 statistical survey, or if you have any questions about the survey and its intended purpose, please email