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Empty Homes Conference set for 24th May

March 29, 2017
Preparations are well in hand for the national Empty Homes Conference to be held in Birmingham on Wednesday 24th May. A strong line-up has just been boosted by news that Martin Yardley, Chief Executive of Coventry City Council, is going speak - the programme will be amended shortly.  Sponsorship from Ad Hoc Property Management Ltd. means that we are able to keep prices low for yet another year, with delegate fees as low as £99 for small voluntary organisations and only £119 for 'additional delegates' from other EHN members.  There are still plenty of places left but there is a steady flow of bookings.  All recent conferences have got close to capacity, so there is a good case for registering sooner rather than later. Full details of the Conference can be found on the Conference web-page. With thanks to our main sponsors: