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Manchester authorities build partnership for HCA delivery

August 23, 2013
The Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) is building strong cross-boundary mechanisms in order to deliver results for the HCA Empty Homes programme. A task-and-finish group has been set up with the following purpose: To develop a generic Lease and Repair product that can be used across Greater Manchester and the North West. This may lead into a product endorsed by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) and available for use nationally. The main objectives of the group are to coordinate the production of:
  1. A standardised lease agreement
  2. A simple guide to Lease and Repair
  3. A flow chart take the customer and officers through from engagement to delivery
  4. A set of standard documents to support the above
The group is looking to compare different lease models and will employ solicitors to work up a “best practice “ version. Work is scheduled to be completed by September/October. Clearly this has the potential to help authorities across the country . But the exchange can work both ways: this is an opportunity for authorities outside Manchester to contribute their own experience to help the Manchester authorities. EHN already has an on-line forum dedicated to leasing – we are exploring setting up Special Interest Group as well, perhaps drawing in new members not currently involved in the Network but involved with leasing. If you do have useful material such as specimen leases or procedures then please either post them in our Information Library or send them to If you want to contribute directly to the Manchester project or find out more about it, please contact Jude Millett, Strategy and Partnerships Manager (pictured above), at Manchester City Council on 0161 234 4840 or email