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New local news-story-of-the-week feature on EHN website

August 24, 2010
Since February full members of EHN and subscribers have been able to access our weekly News Summaries, containing links to the stories featuring empty homes as found on the internet. We pick up a wide range of relevant material, incluidng national and local news stories, blog entries, changes to websites and so on. As of today (24th August 2010), we've introduced a new feature whereby every week we highlight strong local news stories that highlight the impact of empty homes practitioners in helping their communities, as reported in local newspapers. We don't attempt to regurgitate the story, but simply link through to the original newspaper column. These stories give useful insight into how our work is perceived by the communities that we serve and show the power of the media in making people aware of it. Our first story (see below and here) is about Rossendale CPO'ing 4 properties. As this is a new feature, we'll probably also cast our net backwards in time and pick up a few stories that we would have published had this feature been going earlier.