I was slightly aghast at the latest empty homes figures. Even disregarding second homes, unsold new-builds, the regular ebb and flow of straightforward CT exemption “F” cases and so on, there’s still a heck of a lot.
We’ve recently taken on a case that was a real thorn in the side of the EHO at the council in question. The property has been if not empty (most rooms are wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling hoarded), at least uninhabited for 15+ years.
The story was not that unusual - the owner lived in the house and passed away and the children did nothing with the probate. The children passed away and there’s a surviving grand-daughter left in the lurch. The garden’s like a jungle and the neighbours are - to put it mildly - fed up. The grand-daughter’s pretty daunted by the task - added to her busy life and geographic distance from the property, solicitors have asked for funds up-front to make a start on the probate with no hard-and-fast quote as to likely total cost and, like very many of us, the grand-daughter is pressed for cash at the moment. So, she was in a bit of a bind.
The EHO ran the facts past me and I said of course we could help. A conversation with the grand-daughter later, we’ve agreed commercial terms with her and we’re on the path to Bringing the property Back Into Use. The long and the short of it is that the grandparents’ and parents’ estates are going to need administering and the devolution of the property dealt with accordingly. To the grand-daughter (and the EHO), it looked like a paperwork nightmare - but we do this sort of thing all the time.
Are you dealing with problematic privately owned Empty Homes? Could you use a no-obligation chat about the options? Email nickbeetham@fraserandfraser.co.uk or buzz me on 07850 739812 whenever. We’re here to help you BEHBIU*.
*you know - Bring Empty Homes Back Into Use