I’ve been working with Local Authorities generally and Empty Homes Officers in particular for years now and it remains true that each has their own approach to their common objective of BEHBIU*. Councils differ: some EHOs have no difficulty accessing Council Tax data; for others it’s a challenge. Some councils simply will not engage with the private sector without a full procurement process; others adopt a lighter touch. UKGDPR causes problems for some councils’ Information Governance teams while others navigate it compliantly and straightforwardly. All of which is professionally rewarding - it keeps me and my colleagues on our toes and makes the work even more interesting than it otherwise would be - and none of which is a problem for us.
Similarly, as more and more EHOs come to us for help with their different problem empties, from the simple absent “gone-away” property owner (usually traced within a few hours - tops - with up-to-date contact details passed to the EHO on the hurry-up) to complex problems starring multiple unregistered properties featuring deceased owners with skirmishing families and fed-up neighbours in well-rehearsed supporting roles, we cut the coat according to the cloth we’re working with, offering, if you will, a tailored approach - there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach at Fraser and Fraser (get on with it - ed).
Our priority is to support Empty Homes professionals of whatever discipline as they’re BEHBIU*, operating with Transparency, Responsibility and Accountability and keeping EHOs fully in the picture as to developments on all the matters they’ve referred to us for help. No-one’s saying that the unregistered 20+ years empty of a deceased owner with unknown next of kin is going to be housing a family and generating Council Tax overnight - but there’s no reason why it shouldn’t before too long, and sooner than you might think. The same goes for empties generally - it’s highly unusual for us not to be able to help one way or another and the feedback from EHOs has been very gratifying. Everything we do is free of charge to councils, UKGDPR-compliant, and has BEHBIU* front and centre - and it all starts when we hear from you.
Which of your empties could you use our help with? Would an informal chat be useful? You’re welcome to email me at nickbeetham@fraserandfraser.co.uk or buzz me on 07850 739812 anytime. I look forward to hearing from you.
*you know - Bringing Empty Homes Back Into Use.