Around the web


CTB statistics 2015

The figures are still provisional - final figures are released normally in February, as part of the Local Government Finance Settlement 2016-17.

BBC story highlights empty homes issues

A quick tour of the empty homes issue around England, with examples of different types of intervention and different problems - buy-to-leave, Islington's new planning regime, CPO, EDMO, community housing groups and more.

Big Issue launches Fill 'em Up campaign

This is primarily a lobbying campaign, although the Big Issue is also involved in financing community-led empty homes projects in London following a deal with the Mayor. The key areas that BI wants to promote are:More support and funding for community-led…

Houses to Homes outcomes - BBC news report

This report cites the views of the Lib Dems (who originally introduced Houses to Homes) as well as the current Welsh Government. As is so often the case there is a s dispute about the significance of the figures.

Giggs and Neville help homeless

...for a while, anyway. Giggsy-wiggsy shows another side to his nature. The question pre-occupying the soccer-loving empty homes practitioner is whether Robbie Fowler will now rise to the Manchester challenge by providing access to properties from his…