Activists end Royal Mint occupaton after court ruling
Diplomatic immunity proves a stumbling block despite council's best efforts.
In this November 2014 article, Katharine HIbbert of Dot Dot Dot mounts a strong defence of the property guardian concept whilst acknowledging the issues that may arise with less ethical service providers. London-based dotdotdot is unique (as far as we know)…
A lengthy Guardian article offers an exposé of the Property Guardian industry. The article highlights really major issues experienced by one individual guardian - with further reference to other cases. This unacceptable situation, which is attributed in part…
This article from 2014 is one of a growing number drawing attention to issues with the Property Guardian industry.
Yorkshire Post story referencing Hull, Sheffield and Leeds, along with voluntary group PROBE.
In addition to exploring the use of CPOs, this news article reports that if Charnwood removed their current one-month exemption for unfurnished empties they would take in up to £250,000 extra. Unfortunately, as a two-tier district they would only retain 8% of…
The figures are still provisional - final figures are released normally in February, as part of the Local Government Finance Settlement 2016-17.
The part of the debate where CPOs are discussed in relation to empty homes starts at column 617: or just search for "empty".
Lorna Mackie, from the Nationwide Foundation, gives a funder's view of the good work that can be done by community housing groups, based in part on the Foundation's own experience with two separate rounds of grant funding.
The final Empty Homes Week blog post from the housing website.
Liz Jamil describes some features of Hull's award-winning empty homes partnership.
Including pictures of the cake! And a new video.