Destin promotes new approaches to empty homes work - Preston / Lancaster case study
I had quite a long chat on the phone with Ben Kochan as he was preparing this article. This was the quote I offered him: “There needs to be more strategic and preventive approach, that understands the dynamics of housing markets and neighbourhood decline and…
Maybe time to do another FOI request to find out who is employing how many empty homes officers.
The stats are a bit dodgy as they involve average house prices - and who knows how those relate to the properties actually bought by landlords. Leaving that aside, the survey by Lendinvest indicates that in 14 out of the 105 major postcode areas (e.g. EX, B,…
This is service pod is being tested at the moment, reflecting the shortage of affordable housing in Holland and the potential of wasted commercial space.
Crack and cider is an interesting initiative to help street homeless; so too is the Illegal venture which builds on the Big Issue model of street vendors selling magazines. Crack and cider co-founder Charlotte Cramer has made the connection that homeless…