Partnership brings 9,000 empty homes back into use | Scottish Housing NewsThe SEHP is funded by the Scottish Government and hosted by Shelter Scotland. It provides training, guidance and support to local empty homes officers ...1,600 properties are empty in…
Council could force landlords to sell their empty homes - Yahoo News UKFareham Borough Council is launching a six-week public consultation on its empty homes strategy which was approved on May 15.Number of empty homes in Wiltshire rockets to highest on record…
'Everyone's feeling the housing crisis': Campaigners explain Leeds Civic Hall protestMembers from ACORN Leeds noisily disrupted the city council's annual mayor-making on May 23 to complain about empty homes and housing conditions.The…
London's empty homes could be worth £20bn: which borough has the most?City Hall looked at central government Council Tax data and average house prices by London borough to calculate the value of vacant homes across ...London Mayor calls for increase to…
Empty homes to be used to tackle housing shortage | The NationalThe two-year project is being funded by the Scottish Empty HomesPartnership (SEHP) and Argyll and Bute Health & Social Care Partnership (A&B HSCP), ...Partnership aims to repurpose empty…
Could the solution to the housing crisis be our empty homes? - Property118This Property118 investigation highlights the massive number of empty homes across the UK and why compulsory purchasing orders (CPOs) are not the ...We converted a derelict pumping…
Keir Starmer's empty promise on housing comes as no surpriseThe Labour leader (pictured) says he wants to boost the home ownership rate to 70% from the current 64% where it has languished for a decade.'Balance' needed over taxing second homes -…
Empty homes could be part of the housing crisis solution - Andy Moseley | The ScotsmanWhile we are under no illusion that converting empty homes and second homes into residential properties will come even close to delivering the ...Bid to force purchase of…
Number of empty homes in Pembrokeshire on the increase new figures showThe figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show 8,915 of 64,400 total dwellings in Pembrokeshire were unoccupied on census day in March ...Second homes could face more than…
Almost 25000 homes empty in the Black Country and parts of Staffordshire, figures suggestData showed there were 7,430 empty properties in Wolverhampton, 3,245 in Dudley, 5,000 in Walsall, 4,570 in Sandwell, 2,610 in Stafford and 1,825 in ...Thousands of homes…
Wales introduces new tax rules to tackle second home ownership and empty properties |Welsh communities are set to benefit from new local tax rules aimed at addressing the impact of second home ownership and empty properties.The Ghost Towns of China - Yahoo…
Call for increased grants to bring derelict homes to life - Business PlusA study of 20 vacant properties by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) found only five - 25% - of the buildings were financially viable ...Derelict farm buildings converted…
Homes for Lambeth swallows up £13m+ extra of Council coffers with the Lambeth ... - Brixton BuzzLambeth Council and Homes for Lambeth (HfL) are once again using ... Empty properties on Lambeth regeneration estates to be used to house homeless ...Once law…
Westminster Council gets tough on empty homes with hotline plan to report neighboursThe council wants to free up more property for private rent and affordable homes. Between 2021 and 2022 the number of homes declared long term empty ...Second home owner tax…