EHN response to proposals to amend EDMO legislation
January 10, 2011
1st version - draft, 10th Jan 2011
2nd version - draft, 11th Jan 2011. Substantially amended in the light of more detailed information received about the government proposals.
3rd version - draft, 17th Jan 2011. Further significant amendments, removing some of the suggestions around furntiure and rent in the light of further discussions within EHN. Definitie proposals about ignoring short periods of occupation, keeping the EDMO legislation consistent with Council Tax legislation. Mention of voluntary EDMOs and need to relax any period-empty criteria for them.
4th version - draft, 25th Jan 2011. New principle around local support. Section on the use of the word nuisance and possible problems around that. Some other revised wording.
5th version - final version, 2nd February 2012. Introduced new section on need for procedural review and a requirement for local authorities to supply an estimate of the financial benefit accruing to the owner as the result of the EDMO action.