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Ashfield says goodbye to £3.5M empty homes allocation

October 24, 2013

In a widely-reported story, Ashfiled District Council has walked away from a £3.5million allocation under Round 1 of the HCA Empty Homes Programme, citing contractual issues that could not be resolved. Ashfield is not the only Council to cite difficulties with the HCA contract and not the only provider to hand its money back. But this is likely to be the biggest amount so far. Trevor Watson, Service Director for Economy, was reported on the Mansfield and Ashfield Chad website to have said: Unfortunately the draft contract was not made available until late 2012. Legal advice then confirmed that the...

Northern Ireland launches empty homes strategy

September 9, 2013

Northern Ireland's Department for Social Development, part of the Northern Ireland Executive, has launched a five-year empty homes strategy running through to 2018. The main delivery vehicle will be the Northern Ireland Housing Executive which currently manages the majority of the social housing stock in the province whilst also undetaking more strategic housing functions. The legislative landscape in Northern Ireland is very different from that in the rest of the United Kingdom. Many of the enforcement tools available in England are not available and one of the tasks identified in the strategy is to review the powers available. There are...

DCLG Study on powers to tackle derelict buildings

July 29, 2013

Please contribute to DCLG's research on our powers to deal with derelict buildings and land. Get to the survey through this her link: The survey will close on the 16th of August.. Shreena Kotecha from DCLG's Planning Directorate says, "Thank you very much for helping us with this important research. If you would like to discuss this in more depth, please fill in your details at the end of the survey or get in touch directly." Shreena's e-mail address is Cheers