We've just updated the NAEPP analysis of Council Tax Base data to take account of the figures for September 2009 which have just been published by CLG.
This shows that the number of long-term empties (excluding exempt homes) has declined by about 3.5% whilst the number of short-term empties (exemption code "C") has increased by about 2.5%, The overall change is a reduction of about 0.8%.
The full details are available to full members or subscribers only at http://www.naepp.org.uk/CTBDataAnalysis . You will of course need to be logged in. If you are not currently a full member or subscriber please...
September 20, 2009
Dear colleagues:
Here is the link to our recently updated Empty Property Strategy:
Consultation is taking place and should...
The Empty Homes Network Guidelines for local authorities on nonitoring empty homes interventions documents are now in their final and...
Here is a link to the latest (updated end of October 2009) version of our proposals for a National Empty...
Here is the first draft of our proposed National Action Plan for Empty Homes. It's time for NAEPP to move the agenda on empty homes forward in a step change that requires government at all levels to take the issue more seriously, building structures and allocating resources in a way that is commensurate with the task we all face.
This has arisen out of the Executive meeting in Derby on February 23rd 2009.
We want feedback urgently. A press release and this first draft are due to go out early in the week commencing 2nd March 2009. What actions are...
Don't forget to sign the Inside Housing petition on the No. 10 Downing Street website at:
And take a...
Plans to bring 234 empty private sector homes back into use over the next three years are about to go...
Empty Property Project Officer (2 year fixed-term)
LB Newham Council on behalf of the East London Renewal Partnership
£37,542 -...
NAEPP's Guidelines on Best Value Performance Indicator 64 can be found in our Information Library here. If you have any...
Improvements to the NAEPP website continue, including:
a new Search menu item (see Menu options above)
improvements to the Search...