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Alok Sharma supports community-led housing sector with £60million

November 29, 2017

In a speech to the first Community-Led Housing Conference, Alok Sharma MP praised the sector and announced a new programme of financial support. £60million has already been given to local authorities with high levels of second home ownership. The minister has now offered a further £60million to help fund further development 'for the first year alone', implying an ongoing programme. This accords with the announcement for the original £60million, which was presented as a 'hypothecation' from the additional revenue being raised by the 3% SDLT surcharge on purchases of second homes. The $64,000 question is whether the bidding criteria will...

From Taskforce to task farce

November 13, 2017

EDITORIAL The recently published report by the Independent Task Force into the Grenfell fire recovery makes frustrating reading. Leaving aside...

Government fiddles while New Homes Bonus burns

October 30, 2017

One of the few positives to emerge from the National Audit Office's investigation into New Homes Bonus - other than its acknowledged stimulus to local authority efforts to bring empty homes back into use - was that it was easy to understand.[1] Obviously that couldn't be allowed to continue so the government has come up with a raft of proposals about how to make it more complicated as laid out in the recent 'Technical Consultation' on the 2018-19 local government finance settlement, where the majority of questions concern the New Homes Bonus .  Baseline threshold Actually, the first such complication...

Chris Skinner receives posthumous award

September 22, 2017

EHN members will be pleased to hear that Chris Skinner has been honoured by our local Law Society. There was a spontaneous standing ovation at the awards ceremony whilst Chris’ children went up on stage to receive the award on his behalf. The press announcement is reproduced below: Local government lawyer Chris Skinner has been posthumously awarded for his outstanding contribution to the legal profession in Norfolk by the Norwich and Norfolk Law Society. Chris, who passed away suddenly in February 2017, lived and worked in Norfolk for most of his career. His children, Tom and Jess, received the award...

Empty Homes Week announcement

September 22, 2017

A letter has gone out to Chief Executives and Leaders of local authorities from Helen Williams of the charity Empty...