This is an unusual news story. The "news" is your contributions about Final EDMOs.
We want a place where people that have been involved with Final EDMOs - including those that don't eventually proceed but were close to doing so - can register the fact they have been involved. The more information you contribute the better - you can help your communities and your colleagues by describing the problems you have overcome (or failed to overcome!).
You can do this by simply replying to this news story (adding a comment). This news story will be one of our "Key Documents"....
The HCA has now revealed the main outlines of its £100M empty homes programme. The announcement, such as it was,...
CLG are drafting a Govt. National Empty Homes Strategy. Their current capacity means that they can only carry out a...
In order to try and clarify the constraints on HCA's ability to fund empty homes work outside of its normal...
This CLG story is an update to remind people of the Government's intention to review the processes for changing the uses of property, particularly on a temporary basis. In this case the expectation is that change of use would be from one commercial use to another - but elsewhere changes have been trailed that would allow changes to from commercial to residential without necessarily needing planning permission. This article and its associated footnotes provide a good overview of where the process of reviewing the system has got to.
Empty homes officer Wendy Dearden used her dual role working for North Wales Homes and Denbighshire County Council to help...
We have learned that the Department of Communities and Local Government is preparing to launch a document setting out the...
A RICS survey is showing that private sector rents are expected to rise signifcantly in some parts of the country... news reports a spat between Unison, which describes the New Homes Bonus as a "con" that would play out...
The Home Again Empty Homes Conference in London on Monday 23rd May, jointly organised by ourselves and the charity Empty...
Yes is that's time of year again. We want your nominations for the Empty Homes Network Practitioner of the Year Award 2011 - sponsored by Ad Hoc Property Management Ltd. See our recent newsletter for more details.
"Don't just lock it - Ad Hoc it"™
LV= and Nelson Research have conducted a survey that forecasts increases in empty homes in university towns and cities.
The EHN has released an updated version of its Briefing on funding from the HCA. The latest version includes details...
The HCA has responded promptly to the EHN request for clarification of aspects of the recently-announced Temporary Empty Homes product....