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Consultation on new homes bonus for empty homes?

November 8, 2010

A recent blog post from the Hasledon and Hyndburn Labour MP Graham Jones indicates that there will be consultation on including empty homes in the New Homes bonus. He also suggests there will be consultation the £100million for empty homes. Good news - but let's not forget the consultation on including empty homes in the new homes reward element of Housing and Planning Delivery Grant. Jones predicted the consultation would be published last Friday (5th November). At the time of writing it is not on the CLG website.

East Lancs arson attacks demonstrate need for empty homes work

September 6, 2010

The association between crime and empty homes is well established. Arson is the worst-case scenario - but this story from the Lancashire Telegraph, including an entire terrace of homes being torched, reminds us that the threat is a real one.

CIH/EHA/HCA: free training events

August 25, 2010

The CIH, Empty Homes and HCA are running joint free training events for local authorities around the country. A letter...

Rossendale CPOs hit local headlines

August 24, 2010

The Lancashire Telegraph reports Rossendale's plans to CPO 4 properties saying "A SENIOR councillor and neighbours have heralded moves to clean up four ‘eyesore’ sites across Haslingden." The story can be found here